Fungal Toenails

Fungal Nails Treatment

If you have fungal nails, you probably fall into one of two camps—you’re either desperate to get rid of them, or you’ve given up entirely. 

Sure, they may not necessarily be physically painful or medically dangerous like some other conditions. But they can be incredibly frustrating and embarrassing, and keep you from feeling confident about wearing open-toed shoes or enjoying routine activities. Worse, they can spread the fungus everywhere—your skin, your shoes, your home, even your family. 

Until recently, they were also very difficult and time-consuming to treat and were highly likely to recur. No wonder so many people give up! 

Fortunately, we can offer a better solution. Our Crown Point office is equipped with the safest and most effective way to treat fungal toenails. 

But first, a little background. 

What Are Fungal Toenails?

Fungal toenails are, as you might expect, a fungal infection that develops underneath one or more of your toenails. It’s also extremely common—an estimated 30 million Americans have them. 

This can cause a variety of unsightly symptoms, including discoloration, thickening, odor, and deformity of the nail. The nail(s) may become brittle, crumbly, or ragged as well, and very difficult to cut. 

Also, the infected nail may be painful, especially when walking or wearing shoes and in rare cases, the unhealthy nail can lead to ulceration of the underlying nail bed.  


What Causes Fungal Nails?

Fungal nails are caused by the same types of fungi that also cause skin infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, and jock itch. 

These fungi can spread from one area of the body to another, and they can also spread through direct or indirect contact with infected surfaces, through cracks or small gaps in the nail. 

The fungi that cause fungal nails tend to prefer locations and surfaces that are warm, moist or humid, and dark. Wearing sweaty shoes and socks, walking barefoot in public showers or pool decks, or even getting a manicure/pedicure at a spa that doesn’t properly sterilize its equipment can increase your risk of developing fungal nails.




How Are Fungal Toenails Treated?

If the infection is mild and symptoms are fairly new, a daily cleansing routine combined with nail filing and a liquid antifungal medication may help to keep the infection at bay. 

However, fungal infections are fairly resilient and will often return. If over-the-counter antifungal agents are not strong enough to effectively manage the infection (or if the nail starts suffering from side effects), come visit our office to talk about your options. 

In some cases, removal of part (or all) of the nail is required. This approach helps to accomplish several goals. First, diseased nail tissue can be removed. Second, debris underneath the nail will be cleaned out (debridement) and, lastly, topical antifungal medication can then be applied directly to the affected nail bed.

Get Professional Fungal Toenail Treatment Today!

Now that you know what to look for, be sure to contact Crown Foot and Ankle as soon as you recognize the signs of toenail fungus. The condition is most easily treated in its early stages, and we do not want you to suffer the embarrassment of unsightly, discolored nails. Give our Crown Point office a call at (219) 257-0255 for more information or to schedule an appointment with us.